I made it! I have to start with the disclaimer that i am exhausted, so forgive anything too nonsensical. I have a feeling that this sense of fatigue may greet me for the next few evenings. Luckily traveling is just as exhilarating as it can be exausting. Getting here was a bit of an adventure in itself. The day began at 4 am cst, when we left to drive for the airport. (Thanks for driving me mom! You are the best!) Things went smoothly for the first leg of the journey, DFW to MIA, and when I got to Miami, I discovered that my flight to Nicaragua was delayed. In thirty increment intervals. For five hours. I did a lot of really great people watching and tried not to fall asleep. I did get to fly first class, so I have no hard feelings about it. I took some pictures of dining in first class in honor of my brother, but i will post them at a later time...(I think you will appreciate them Mark!) So eventually I made it to Managua!
Once I arrived, NDI had someone waiting to pick me up, which was a huge relief since i was borrowing cell phones to try to reach someone to let them know what the plane status was. Unfortunately, I arrived too late to make it to the last ferry to Ometepe, where I will be for the next 10 days. Luckily, Tabatha, who is the doctor largely responsible for this brigade, was in touch with the driver and I ended up at a hostel in Managua with plans to get to Ometepe tomorrow.
The smells of arriving were amazing. Street food mixed with fresh summer rain combined with the smoke of small cooking fires. The colors accentuate the dynamic smells. The gray sky after the storm provided a great contrast for the bright pinks and yellows of ads lining the streets and the painted tin houses that line the road. I already love this country!
At the hostel, i met a group of about twenty health science/premed undergrads who just came from Ometepe and were at NDI for a few days. How is the world so syncronized sometimes?!?! Although I wasnt able to meet my group tonight, these kids told me stories of things they saw and learned in the clinic, and about their new understanding of naturopathy. I spoke to them for a bit about my experience choosing naturopathic medicine and then joined them for their last night in nicaragua. After hearing their stories, i am really excited to arrive in Ometepe tomorrow!
So I will depart here at 5 am for a couple hour drive to the ferry, and then I will meet everyone after a ferry ride. Yippee!!!! I love my life, even with its twists and turns! Okay, since my eyes are drooping, I think i will head for my bed now.
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